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MIT Technology Review
2018-10-09 16:28


本篇主题是传感城市(sensing city)。
近几年提的最多的莫过于“智慧城市”(smart city)。但是,“智慧城市”听起来有点虚无缥缈,很多智慧城市项目由于高昂的耗资与成本而被迫搁浅。Numerous smart-city schemes have run into delays, dialed down their ambitious goals, or priced out everyone except the super-wealthy.
Quayside是谷歌母公司Alphabet旗下的Sidewalk Labs负责的一个智慧城市试验性项目。
该项目2017年10月对外公布,预计在2019 年开始施工建设。
Project announced in October 2017; construction could begin in 2019
A Toronto neighborhood aims to be the first place to successfully integrate cutting-edge urban design with state-of-the-art digital technology.
One of the project’s goals is to base decisions about design, policy, and technology on information from an extensive network of sensors that gather data on everything from air quality to noise levels to people’s activities.
项目要求所有车辆都实现自动驾驶,并进入共享出行平台。机器人会从事琐碎的杂务,例如递送邮件。Sidewalk Labs表示,将开放对该公司软件和系统的访问,让其他公司可以在此基础上开发服务,就像第三方为智能手机开发应用一样。
The plan calls for all vehicles to be autonomous and shared. Robots will roam underground doing menial chores like delivering the mail. Sidewalk Labs says it will open access to the software and systems it’s creating so other companies can build services on top of them, much as people build apps for mobile phones.
Sidewalk Labs计划密切监控公共基础设施,这引发了对数据管理和隐私保护的担忧。不过Sidewalk Labs表示,可以通过与社区和当地政府的合作来解除这些担忧。
The company intends to closely monitor public infrastructure, and this has raised concerns about data governance and privacy. But Sidewalk Labs believes it can work with the community and the local government to alleviate those worries.
Sidewalk Labs城市系统规划负责人利特·阿加瓦拉(Rit Aggarwala)表示:“我们为Quayside所做的不同之处在于,这个项目不仅雄心勃勃,也有一定的人文关怀。”这或许有助于Quayside避免重蹈以往智慧城市计划的覆辙。
“What’s distinctive about what we’re trying to do in Quayside is that the project is not only extraordinarily ambitious but also has a certain amount of humility,” says Rit Aggarwala, the executive in charge of Sidewalk Labs’ urban-systems planning. That humility may help Quayside avoid the pitfalls that have plagued previous smart-city initiatives.
负责Quayside开发的政府机构Waterfront Toronto表示,其他北美城市也在与Sidewalk Labs联系,希望成为下一个合作的城市。该机构CEO威尔·福莱西格(Will Fleissig)表示:“旧金山、丹佛、洛杉矶和波士顿都已经致电,希望获得介绍。”
Other North American cities are already clamoring to be next on Sidewalk Labs’ list, according to Waterfront Toronto, the public agency overseeing Quayside’s development. “San Francisco, Denver, Los Angeles, and Boston have all called asking for introductions,” says the agency’s CEO, Will Fleissig. —Elizabeth Woyke
Source: MIT Technology Review
Edited by Coral Zhong

